Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nutella Filo Pie with Pistachios

Nutella Filo Pie
We prepare a lot of filo pies in Bulgaria. Filo pie with cheese, eggs and yogurt is one of the traditional Bulgarian dishes served on the New Year's Eve, but also all throughout the year. Filo pie with spinach, filo pie with leek, filo pie with shredded pumpkin (obligatory dish for the Christmas eve), zucchini filo pie - we are a nation of filo pie lovers. But recently I found another recipe in one of my favorite blogs - Dulces Bocados , which is absolutely tasty and can be prepared in less than an hour (with baking time included). 
Does it have a lot of calories? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes, yes, yes.
Nutella and Pistachios

Ingredients for 4 individual snake-shape pies:
For the pastry:
  • 12 sheets of filo dough
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon and 2 Tbsp icing sugar to decorate
For the filling:
  • 7 oz (200 g) raw pistachios, peeled and ground
  • 10,6 oz (300 g) butter
  • 12,3 oz (350 g) Nutella
Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).
Melt butter on top of the oven. Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush with butter. 
Place another sheet above, brush again with butter and repeat the procedure until you have three sheets of pastry one above another. Heat Nutella in a double broiler for 5 minutes. Spread evenly 1/4 of the Nutella in the middle part of the highest pastry sheet and add 1/4 of the pistachios. Roll the sheet into a thin roll and place on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Shape the other three pies into of a coiled snake shape and add to the first one. 
Bake until crisp and golden (about 30 minutes). Take out of the oven, sprinkle with icing sugar and garnish with pistachios.
Serve hot.

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